Monday, September 05, 2005

Discipline Plan for 2005-2006

Second Grade Classroom Discipline Plan – Revised Sept.,2005
Classroom Rules:

1. Respect people and property.
2. Raise your hand to speak.
3. Work and walk in line quietly.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given.

If a student chooses to break a rule:1st Time: Verbal Warning/reminder and name on board

2nd Time: Teacher puts check by student's name on board, note sent home by teacher to parent that must be signed and returned the following school day, student loses sticker on calendar for that day.

3rd Time: Once a student has broken the rule a third time, student serves lunchtime detention. A Detention Notice sent home to parent to be signed and returned to school the following day, student loses sticker on calendar for that day.

Praise, stickers on personal calendar, positive notes/phone calls home, tangible incentives from Treasure Chest (treats, toys, pencils, etc.), special privileges to be determined on an individual basis
All students will receive a calendar that is to be transported between home and school via his or her take-home folder. Students can earn a sticker for each day they demonstrate good behavior or only receive a verbal warning. Parents are asked to review and initial the calendar entries daily. Children who earn stickers for all school days in any one month earn a special treat or privilege.

Please know that I pledge to be fair and consistent in administering the discipline plan as outlined above. It is my hope that this program will help to ensure that each pupil enjoys a safe, nurturing, distraction-free learning environment.

--Ms. Prine